Eco-friendly building construction is gradually becoming the norm. It is definitely appreciated that modern architects have started taking extra care and caution in their selection of building materials for their housing designs. The rising demand for eco-friendly building materials is providing the much needed boost to their production, which is significantly bringing down the cost involved in eco-friendly building construction. As a result, architects are also finding it easy to develop innovative building designs and construction plans which put eco-friendly building materials to use. Construction projects which use maximum eco-friendly building materials are gaining greater market value and this has been a means of motivation for architects to bring in more innovation in this aspect. The top five building materials which seem to the favorites of architects who specialize in eco-friendly building design are as follows:
1. Recycled steel
The use of steel has been extensive in building construction. Recently, it has been discovered that instead of throwing away used steel as scraps, it can be recycled and put to use again. The quality of the structure made of recycled steel is no way less than that of fresh steel. The use of recycled steel minimizes the need of producing fresh steel, which is a well-known energy intensive process. So, recycled steel forms the topmost favorite eco-friendly building material for most architects, as it can be acquired quite easily.
2. Bamboo
The use of bamboo as eco friendly building materials has always been a traditional practice in many areas of the world. Recently, bamboo caught the fancy of modern architects when they realized that the totally green material can be effectively used for providing structure to any construction. The use of bamboo has also intrigued interior designers as it provides an aesthetic look to the décor. The increased demand of bamboo as a building material has also been beneficial for farmers.
3. Recycled plastic
Plastic is one of the most versatile building construction materials with a wide range of uses. However, modern architects are more interested in the use of recycled plastic so that the production of plastic can be minimized.
4. Grasscrete
This is more of an eco-friendly building technique than a material. Grasscrete refers to the use of concrete on floors in such a way that there are gaps for grass to grow. The technique significantly cuts down the use of concrete and at the same time, facilitates storm water absorption by the soil.
5. Mycelium
Mycelium has been a wonderful discovery of our times and it has become one of the most sought after building construction materials. It is basically a type of fungus which can bind other building materials with super strength. According to experts, it has the potential to replace cement in future.
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